Friday, September 7, 2007

Toy update

I called the daycare. They told me that they order all their toys and equipment from Discount School Supplies. I called them and spoke with a manager. This is what I found out. They use independent labs to test toys they want to sell. I requested that they e-mail me the names of the labs so that I can verify this as fact. The manager was very nice about my paranoia and took my e-mail address. He said he would also scan in a company statement about the things they do to make sure their toys are safe. They do not order toys from Fisher-Price or Mattel, in the first place. I have been through the lists and Patrick doesn't have anything from the lists of toys recalled but I don't want to risk it. Let me put it this way, when dog food was being recalled, we cooked Bette's meals from scratch following directions from our vet and the AKC until we located a food made in the USA for her. Wouldn't we do absolutely anything for Patrick?

We have gotten too comfortable in this country with paying the lowest price on an item without enough regard for quality, safety, and whether or not the workers in other countries are treated well. It is time this stopped. I heard an interview with Robert Reich the other day (Sec of Labor under Clinton) and he said that we have become a super-capitalist society which has the effect of undermining democracy and added that we will never become socially-concious consumers unless our country regulates it. He's right. En masse, we will continue to buy the cheapest whatever unless the government steps in and stops some of this nonsense. I am a true Democrat. Bring on the legislation because we are just miserable sinners without a law.

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