Monday, September 3, 2007

Lyme Positive

This post is way overdue but then I saw that people with whom I don't have regular contact are reading and so an explanation is due. Patrick does have Lyme Disease. The first set of tests were inconclusive/negative but the second set was positive. We got those results in the second week of August and had a spinal tap that night. It had a high white cell count and, according to both our ped and the infectious disease specialist (a wonderfully gentle man who reminds me of Mr. Rogers meets Yale), the thing to do was to admit him to Fairfax Hostpital and start IV antibiotics and then move him to a PICC line. He has been home with the PICC line for 3.5 weeks, had handled the meds very well and get his line pulled this Thursday. In a week he can have his 1 year vaccinations and then return to day care (THANK GOD!!!). We got the third set of Lyme tests back after we started treatment and they were positive as well. We are thankful that nothing truly serious is going on and that the disease was caught early. BTW: he is the youngest reported case in the state.

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