Friday, June 8, 2007

Entry for June 8, 2007

There won't be any pictures for a little bit. In a mad cleaning frenzy, I got the vacuum cleaner a little too close to the computer area and it ate the camera cord. While the vacuum made it out alive, the camera cord met an untimely death.

In other more exciting news, Hanna Andersson is coming to Houston!!!!! Hear that Grandmas???!!! This is Patrick's favorite clothing store. Lots of organic cotton, soft, brightly colored clothes for kids -- the sort of clothes that let kids be kids because little girls look like little girls in them and not Britney Spears and boys don't look like they are set and ready for a Nascar race. Now, don't think anything about the prices (and actually, they are better than BabyGap and Janie and Jack). Those clothes are sized to last several months and they do. Patrick has a spring jacket that will also fit him in the fall. As kids get older and start growing at a slower rate, moms tell me that these clothes fit for 2-3 years. They are also of the best quality. The seams are indestructible and the fabrics are densely woven so they last wash after wash. They even have clothes for adults.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I second that -- I think I turned Joie on to the Hannas. Great stuff. We are going to Portland, OR in a few weeks. They have a Hanna outlet! I like my kids looking like kids and not like pop-tart starlets. AND for those who are so inclined, you can sell your used Hanna's on eBay and recoup about 1/2 to 2/3 of the cost!