Monday, May 14, 2007

Our Little Pat of Butter

Patrick is approaching 9 months of age. Can't believe in three months he will be 1 and no longer a baby. The two questions everyone asks are "Does he have any teeth?" and "Is he crawling?" No and no are the answers. Patrick hates being on his belly but thinks he can walk. He manages to walk across the room while hanging on to our hands. He may never crawl. As to the teeth, well, anytime between 6 and 12 months is normal for the first appearance of teeth. Our pediatrician assures us everything is on target. Patrick babbles every consonant and vowel sound, stringing many together. I think he said "bottle" the other day when I made the sign for it and he is the most social baby I have ever seen. He says mama and dada all the time but I don't know that there is any meaning behind it. He turns pages of books but mostly prefers to chew on the corners. I guess that's about it for now.

I will post pictures soon (we have made some office space adjustments in our house and the computer with the pictures is not always readily available -- going to have to alter that)

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