I got tagged by Jess G. I a virgin meme writer so go easy on me.
Joys:1. Fall breezes through open windows (my house smells so clean right now)
2. homemade totally-from-scratch and a so fresh flour tortillas
3. Patrick holding his hands up above his head and saying "Yay!" with delight
Fears:1. flying. hate it. tubes of death.
2. mice, gerbils, rats, hamsters aren't even up there on my list
3. that the reps will win. "Oh Canada, our home and native land." or "God save the Queen."
Obsessions/Collections:1. keeping my kitchen sink clean and white
2. Royal Stafford china in blue or brown with the choaching scene
3. nails and toes - got to be done up
Surprising Facts1. I once slept in the grounds of La Alhambra
2. I have two webbed toes on one foot. Patrick has the same set on both feet.
3. I was once a size 2 petite
I don't really have anyone to tag. So sad.