I know, I know. I haven't been posting. For one, I can't get the camera to upload pictures onto my computer and Jesse is protective of his computer. Two, we have been lazy in the picture taking anyway. Three, why post when no one leaves comments (hint, hint)? Four, WE ARE BUSY PEOPLE.
Updates: Patrick had ear tubes put in at the end of Feb. Jesse started his new job at OFHEO (you can google that). I have been elected rector. That means I have a very permanent job until I decide to move on or the congregation makes me miserable (let's hope the latter doesn't happen). Holy Week is next week and I am sick, sick, sick from either the petri dish that is my son or all the hands I shake every Sunday (and I do use Purell).
Yesterday, Jesse took Patrick to a wonderful indoor playground and, as it was reported to me, Patrick went nuts and got right in there with the big kids. We understand there is a working farm/park in the area and are hoping for warmish weather soon so we can all go to that. It even has a petting zoo. Hopefully, we will get out and about and get some cute spring pictures.
BTW Grandmas: cute spring pictures don't happen without cute spring clothes. We love Hannah Andersson and Gymboree. Patrick is wearing an 80 (not quite at a 90 but will be by the end of summer I think) and an 18 month at Gymboree.