I always wanted to start off with cloth diapers. Just about everyone laughed at me. Then the breastfeeding was difficult and I had to hook myself up to a pump like a dairy cow and then the skin issues started and on and on. Well, in March I ran across these daipers from
www.cottonbabies.com. They are just the best. Almost as easy as disposables and so much better for Patrick. I don't have to worry about weird chemicals near his important parts and his diaper area eczema is completely gone. They have elastic, velcro stretchy tabs, and a nice waterproof outer fabric. There is one catch -- you cannot use Tide, All, or any typical grocery store brand. You also can't use the fancy environmental detergents. Almost all these detergents have chemicals that coat the fabrics....like water off a ducks back! They leak. The good news is that there are many simple, cheap detergents out there that work wonderfully. We found that Trader Joe's "......Next to Godliness." works for us. It's cheap AND environmentally friendly! Every few weeks I put a 1/4 cup of bleach in the load and the diapers are like new.